What, how & why.

Our investing process.

The What.

What do we invest in?

We invest in life science companies that are developing therapeutics and which have the potential to dramatically improve patient lives. We like to back promising technologies early and help them develop.

What do we look for?

We look for companies that have an experienced management team and where the technologies are based on world-class science.

The How.

Each investment is different, but this section provides an overview of our investment process.
As a small, efficient group, we are able to get to an investment decision quicker than most.

How do we invest?

Most commonly, our investment process starts after an introduction with the entrepreneur(s) from someone in our network. During this step we would receive your initial pitch.

After we receive your initial pitch, we set up a meeting with you to understand more about the product and the company.

If we are still interested after the initial discussion we would conduct an initial business development (BD) due diligence. Some of the steps this would entail are understanding the market opportunity, a preliminary SWOT analysis, a high level rNPV model, and estimating the time/cost for reaching the next value inflection point.

If we are still positive on the opportunity, we would then enter into a confidentiality agreement.

Once the confidentiality agreement is signed we begin our technical due diligence. This is the most time consuming part of the process where an important go/ no go decision is made.

If we move past the technical due diligence step, we then move on to offering a term sheet for our investment participation. If the terms are broadly accepted, we then move to final due diligence.

In this step a final due diligence is conducted on the non-technical aspects (eg. all legal documents, contracts, patents, etc).

Upon completion of the final due diligence we proceed with signing the created investment documents.

How to get funding from us?

If you believe you have a promising therapy or technology that could be commercialized, send us your initial pitch. You can email it to us and if we are interested we will schedule an initial discussion with you.

The Why.

Why do we invest in life science?

People deserve better treatments and a better quality of life. Our motivation for funding, founding, and developing life science companies is to improve patient lives.

Why should you consider us for funding?

We not only invest in existing life science companies but we have also set-up our own. We have in-licensed technologies and spun-out new companies from US and Australian universities and institutes when a particularly compelling opportunity has been identified. We believe this broader investment model is complementary as, for example, we understand intimately what it takes to start and develop a new product by having experience doing it ourselves.

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